How to show active area in Flutter Google Maps – Deselect the outside area of Google Maps in Flutter

How to show active area

Sometimes we need to show the selected area on Google Maps by de-selecting the outside area of the map as shown in the image. Here in this quick tutorial How to show an active area on Google Maps in a flutter.

How to show active areas on Google map in Flutter

  • Create a polygon that covers the entire Map in a dark
  • The second polygon Shows the highlighted area in White.
  • Get the polygon coordinated and pass in the list of Latlong to Show the Selected Area
  • Here are the Full code and steps below
How to show active area

Step 1:

Create the Set polygon function to create the polygons and to provide the polygon to the GoogleMap widget

Set<Polygon> _createPolygons() {


Create this one in your state Class anywhere below or above the build method.

Step 2:

Now inside this function add one polygon set and a List of Quardinates which make the selected area of Map. Its just a list of lat long to tell the Polygon outlining.

    final polygons = <Polygon>{};
    List<LatLng> _createPolygonPoints() {
      return const [
        LatLng(30.715371, 76.691045),
        LatLng(30.725997, 76.708383),
        LatLng(30.732784, 76.705465),
        LatLng(30.775860, 76.780824),
        LatLng(30.722603, 76.818418),
        LatLng(30.667248, 76.731557),

Step 3:

Now below that the the first polygon which covers the entire map with a dark color. This polygon is for showing the deselected part of the map. Here is the code that comes under that.

        polygonId: const PolygonId('test2'),
        points: const [
          LatLng(85,90),  LatLng(85,0.1),
          LatLng(85,-90),  LatLng(85,-179.9),
          LatLng(0,-179.9),  LatLng(-85,-179.9),
          LatLng(-85,-90),  LatLng(-85,0.1),
          LatLng(-85,90),  LatLng(-85,179.9),
          LatLng(0,179.9),  LatLng(85,179.9)

        visible: true,
        geodesic: false,
        strokeWidth: 0,

As declared polygons variable just use the add() function to add a new polygon here in this we specify the point of the entire map, fillColor, stroke, etc.

Step 4:

Here comes the part where we need to add the Selected area in a light white color. first Check the list of Points is not empty and then add the polygon as added before

    if (_createPolygonPoints().isNotEmpty) {
          fillColor: Colors.white.withOpacity(0.3),
          polygonId: const PolygonId('test3'),
          points: _createPolygonPoints(),
          visible: true,
          geodesic: false,
          strokeWidth: 2,
    return polygons;

Added White color with opacity and points as list as we made the list as _createPolygonPoints(). At the end of the function just return polygons.

Step 5:

Now just add this polygon to the Google map widget to show it on the screen. make sure to add the necessary dependencies and API key for Google Maps.

        myLocationButtonEnabled: false,
        zoomGesturesEnabled: true,
        zoomControlsEnabled: true,
        myLocationEnabled: false,
        mapType: MapType.normal,
        polygons: _createPolygons(),
        gestureRecognizers: Set()..add(Factory<PanGestureRecognizer>(() {
          return PanGestureRecognizer();
        initialCameraPosition: const CameraPosition(
          target: LatLng(30.667248, 76.731557),
          zoom: 10.0,

Change the rest of the values accordingly like initialCameraPosiition, zoomGesturesEnabled, mapType, etc.

Full Code:

Here is the full file if anyone wants to make a stateful widget with this just copy and paste the below code and use it accordingly.

import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:google_maps_flutter/google_maps_flutter.dart';

class GoogleMapsSelection extends StatefulWidget {
  const GoogleMapsSelection({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  State<GoogleMapsSelection> createState() => _GoogleMapsSelectionState();

class _GoogleMapsSelectionState extends State<GoogleMapsSelection> {
  Set<Polygon> _createPolygons() {
    final polygons = <Polygon>{};
    List<LatLng> _createPolygonPoints() {
      return const [
        LatLng(30.715371, 76.691045),
        LatLng(30.725997, 76.708383),
        LatLng(30.732784, 76.705465),
        LatLng(30.775860, 76.780824),
        LatLng(30.722603, 76.818418),
        LatLng(30.667248, 76.731557),

        polygonId: const PolygonId('test2'),
        points: const [
          LatLng(85,90),  LatLng(85,0.1),
          LatLng(85,-90),  LatLng(85,-179.9),
          LatLng(0,-179.9),  LatLng(-85,-179.9),
          LatLng(-85,-90),  LatLng(-85,0.1),
          LatLng(-85,90),  LatLng(-85,179.9),
          LatLng(0,179.9),  LatLng(85,179.9)

        visible: true,
        geodesic: false,
        strokeWidth: 0,
    if (_createPolygonPoints().isNotEmpty) {
          fillColor: Colors.white.withOpacity(0.3),
          polygonId: const PolygonId('test3'),
          points: _createPolygonPoints(),
          visible: true,
          geodesic: false,
          strokeWidth: 2,
    return polygons;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: GoogleMap(
        myLocationButtonEnabled: false,
        zoomGesturesEnabled: true,
        zoomControlsEnabled: true,
        myLocationEnabled: false,
        mapType: MapType.normal,
        polygons: _createPolygons(),
        gestureRecognizers: Set()..add(Factory<PanGestureRecognizer>(() {
          return PanGestureRecognizer();
        initialCameraPosition: const CameraPosition(
          target: LatLng(30.667248, 76.731557),
          zoom: 10.0,

Here is How to show the active area in flutter google maps. It is just a quick fix just copy the code and get it working.

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